Using Rstudio to Blog

This tutorial exhibits a sample blog generated by Rstudio.


library(gnm) # 做Lee-Carter的相关包
library(astsa) # 时间序列分析的相关包
library(MortalitySmooth) # 死亡率修匀的关键包

1. 数据准备

这一次需要用到的数据是1961-2013年,英国50-90岁男性的数据。数据来自HMD(Human Mortality Database)。数据已经下载到本地了,是个txt文件。首先,我们定义一下Read.HMD这个函数,它可以自动读取我们下载来的txt文件。代码在下一面,我参考了Modelling Mortality with Actuarial Applications这本书。

check.integer <- function(x) {
    x == round(x)
Read.HMD <- function(file){
  x <- scan(file, skip = 3, what = "character") 
  x <- matrix(x, ncol = 5, byrow = T)
  #   删除110岁以上的数据
  Select <- rep(1, nrow(x))
  Select[check.integer((1:nrow(x))/111)] <- 0
  x <- x[Select == 1, ]
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(c(x)), ncol = 5)
  #   把年份找出来,分成男女
  Age <- 0:109
  Year <- min(x[ ,1]) : max(x[ ,1])
  Female <- x[ ,3]
  Female.Matrix <- matrix(Female, nrow = 110)
  dimnames(Female.Matrix) <- list(Age, Year)
  Male <- x[ ,4]
  Male.Matrix <- matrix(Male, nrow = 110)
  dimnames(Male.Matrix) <- list(Age, Year)
  return(list(Age = Age, Year = Year, Female.Matrix = Female.Matrix,
              Male.Matrix = Male.Matrix))


Death.Data <-  Read.HMD("C:\\Users\\lenovo\\Desktop\\lt\\leecarter\\Lee-Carter Application\\HMD_UK_Deaths_2013.txt")
Exposure.Data = Read.HMD("C:\\Users\\lenovo\\Desktop\\lt\\leecarter\\Lee-Carter Application\\HMD_UK_Exposures_2013.txt")
# 年龄和年份,一个是所有年龄,一个是目标年龄
Age <-  Death.Data$Age
Year <-  Death.Data$Year
AGE <-  50:90
YEAR <-  1961:2013
# 1961-2013年,英国50-90岁男性
Dth <-  Death.Data$Male.Matrix[(49 < Age) & (Age < 91),
(1960 < Year) & (Year < 2014)]
Exp <-  Exposure.Data$Male.Matrix[(49 < Age) & (Age < 91),
(1960 < Year) & (Year < 2014)]
# Obs是中心死亡率取对数
Obs <-  log(Dth/Exp)
# 取得死亡率矩阵的维度
n.x <-  nrow(Dth)
n.y <-  ncol(Dth)

2. 使用时间序列方法做Lee-Carter模型的预测

2.1 参数估计


$$\log \left(\mu_{x+1 / 2, y+1 / 2}\right)=\alpha_x+\beta_x \kappa_y, x=x_1, \ldots, x_{n_x}, y=y_1, \ldots, y_{n_y}$$

这里, $x$表示的是不同的年龄, $y$表示的是不同的年份。想要预测未来年份的死亡率,只需要预测 $\kappa_y$即可,因为 $\alpha_x$和 $\beta_x$只跟年龄有关,跟年份无关。


# 把年龄和年份重复很多遍,直到行数为nx*ny,方便做交叉项
Age.F <-  factor(rep(AGE, n.y))          
Year.F <-  factor(rep(YEAR, each = n.x)) 
Dth.V <-  c(Dth)   #  把矩阵压成一个向量
# 这种向量是另一种展示面板数据的方式,有点像Stata里面的方式
# 相同年份的聚成一堆,一个年份中按照年龄来排序
Exp.V <-  c(Exp)
# 最重要的函数是Mult,制作了交叉项
# 回归没有截距,通过年龄确定唯一的alpha,通过年龄和年份确定唯一的交叉项
# 使用泊松分布的典则连接,offset项是暴露数,加了log
LC.Male <-  gnm(Dth.V ~ -1 + Age.F + Mult(Age.F, Year.F),
                offset = log(Exp.V), family = poisson)
## Initialising
## Running start-up iterations..
## Running main iterations......
## Done


$$\sum \beta_x=1 ; \sum \kappa_y=0$$


$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\boldsymbol{\alpha}} & =\hat{\boldsymbol{\alpha}}_R+\bar{\kappa}_R \hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}_R \\ \hat{\boldsymbol{\kappa}} & =n_x \bar{\beta}_R\left(\hat{\boldsymbol{\kappa}}_R-\bar{\kappa}_R \mathbf{1}_{n_y}\right) \\ \hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}} & =\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}_R /\left(n_x \bar{\beta}_R\right)\end{aligned}$$
# 得到参数
Alpha.gnm <-  LC.Male$coef[1:n.x]
Beta.gnm <-  LC.Male$coef[(n.x+1):(2*n.x)]
Kappa.gnm <-  LC.Male$coef[(2*n.x+1):(2*n.x+n.y)]
# 首先求一下均值
Kappa.m <-  mean(Kappa.gnm)
Beta.m <-  mean(Beta.gnm)
# 进行转换
Alpha.hat <-  Alpha.gnm + Kappa.m*Beta.gnm
Beta.hat <-  Beta.gnm/(n.x * Beta.m)
# kappa中的那个示性函数只是为了把均值(1*1)转成一个向量
Kappa.hat <-  n.x * Beta.m*(Kappa.gnm - Kappa.m)
# 得到最后的预测值
Fitted.M.hat <-  Alpha.hat + Beta.hat %*% t(Kappa.hat)

现在我们已经记录好了参数,接下来就是看怎么对 $\kappa_y$进行预测。

2.2 时间序列分析

一个对 $\kappa_y$的最简单假设是: $$ \kappa_y=\mu+\kappa_{y-1}+\epsilon_y, y=2, \ldots, n_y $$ 这是一个带漂移项的随机游走过程。为何要这么假设?可以看看我们估计出的$\kappa_y$:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

可以看出, $\kappa_y$在每年下降,而刚才式中的$\mu$就代表了这个下降,被称为漂移参数(drift parameter)。误差项 $\epsilon_y$服从 $Normal(0,\sigma^2)$,在文献中通常被叫做innovations。现在目标就是估计 $\mu$和 $\sigma^2$。只需要做一次差分,就可以把这个模型估计出来:

$$ \begin{aligned} \Delta \kappa_y & =\kappa_y-\kappa_{y-1}, y=2, \ldots, n_y \\ & =\mu+\epsilon_y \end{aligned} $$

只需要找到差分项的样本均值和样本方差,估计出来的就是 $\mu$和 $\sigma^2$:

$$ \hat{\mu}=\frac{\sum_2^{n_y} \Delta \kappa_y}{n_y-1}=\frac{\kappa_{n_y}-\kappa_1}{n_y-1} \\ \hat{\sigma}^2=\frac{\sum_2^{n_y}\left(\Delta \kappa_y-\hat{\mu}\right)^2}{n_y-2} $$


  1. 带漂移项和高阶滞后项的随机游走: $$ \kappa_y=\mu+2 \kappa_{y-1}-\kappa_{y-2}+\epsilon_y, y=3, \ldots, n_y . $$ 模型中的最高阶滞后项的滞后阶数是多少,我们就对它差分多少次,肯定能估计出 $\mu$和 $\sigma^2$:
$$ \begin{aligned} \Delta \kappa_y & =\kappa_y-\kappa_{y-1}, y=2, \ldots, n_y, \\ & =\mu+\epsilon_y . \end{aligned} $$
  1. 自回归模型(AR)

刚才在带漂移项和高阶滞后项的随机游走中,高阶滞后项的系数是确定的,但是我们也可以通过回归来得出这个系数: $$ \kappa_y=\mu+ \mathrm{ar}_1 \kappa_{y-1}+\epsilon_y, y=2, \ldots, n_y . $$ $\mathrm{ar}_1$其实就是个系数,要通过时间序列回归才可以得出来。这样的模型被称为自回归模型。

  1. 滑动平均模型(MA) 我们也可以把高阶滞后误差项加入模型: $$ \kappa_y=\mu+m_1 \epsilon_{y-1}+\epsilon_y, y=2, \ldots, n_y $$ $m_1$也只是个系数,这样的模型被称为滑动平均模型。

  2. 更加复杂的模型 我们也可以把 $\kappa$的高阶滞后项与高阶滞后误差项同时加入模型,变成ARMA模型: $$ \kappa_y=\mu+\text{ar}_1 \kappa_{y-1}+\text{ar}_2 \kappa_{y-2}+\mathrm{ma}_1 \epsilon_{y-1}+\epsilon_y, y=3, \ldots, n_y $$

要是一个模型差分 $d$次变为 ARMA(p,q)模型,我们就称这是一个ARIMA(p,d,q)模型,其中, $p$和 $q$分别代表了模型中 $\kappa$的最高阶数和误差项的最高阶数。至于要差分多少次,时间序列分析这门课提供了单位根检验这种方法,这里就不再阐述。

下面,我们直接用astsa包中的sarima函数对下面的最简单的方程进行估计: $$ \kappa_y=\mu+\kappa_{y-1}+\epsilon_y, y=2, \ldots, n_y $$

n.y <-  length(Kappa.hat)
# 使用一阶差分法进行参数估计
Mu <- mean(diff(Kappa.hat))
Sigma2 <- var(diff(Kappa.hat)) # var的分母是ny-2
# 使用sarima函数(时间序列回归)进行估计
Sarima.out <- sarima(Kappa.hat, p=0, d=1, q=0, details = FALSE)
# 看看一阶差分法和时间序列回归有什么不同
c(Mu, Sarima.out$fit$coef)
##              constant 
## -0.7421723 -0.7421723
c((n.y-2)/(n.y-1)*Sigma2, Sarima.out$fit$sigma2)
## [1] 0.941579 0.941579


# 往前预测25年
N.Ahead <-  25
# 拟合一个差分1次的模型,没有p和q
# gg=True表示用ggplot2画图
Kappa.for <-  sarima.for(Kappa.hat, n.ahead = N.Ahead, gg=TRUE, p=0, d=1, q=0)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5


Central <-  Kappa.for$pred
SE.Pred <- Kappa.for$se
Z <- qnorm(0.975)
Kappa.Up.Pred <- Central + Z*SE.Pred
Kappa.Dn.Pred <- Central - Z*SE.Pred
Forecast <- Alpha.hat + Beta.hat %*% t(Central)
Forecast.Up.Pred <- Alpha.hat + Beta.hat %*% t(Kappa.Up.Pred)
Forecast.Dn.Pred <- Alpha.hat + Beta.hat %*% t(Kappa.Dn.Pred)
Range <- 2014:2038


Plot.Age = 65
Plot.Row = Plot.Age - min(AGE) + 1
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 1, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
Year.For = seq(YEAR[1], (YEAR[length(YEAR)]+25))
plot(YEAR + 0.5, Obs[Plot.Row, ], axes = FALSE, xlab = "Year", ylab = "log(mortality)",
     xlim = c(1961, 2040),
     ylim = c(min(Forecast.Dn.Pred[Plot.Row, ]), max(Obs[Plot.Row, ]) ))
axis(1,las = 1, at = seq(1950, 2040, by = 10), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-6,-2, by = 0.5), tcl = -0.4)
lines(Range + 0.5, Forecast[Plot.Row, ], lwd = 2)
lines(Range + 0.5, Forecast.Up.Pred[Plot.Row, ], lty = 2, lwd = 2)
lines(Range + 0.5, Forecast.Dn.Pred[Plot.Row, ], lty = 2, lwd = 2)
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("Observed", "Central forecast", "95% PI"),
       lty = c(-1, 1, 2, 2), pch = c(1,-1,-1,-1), lwd = 2, bty = "n") 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7




Plot.Age <-  65
Plot.Row <-  Plot.Age - min(AGE) + 1
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 1, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
Year.For <-  seq(YEAR[1], (YEAR[length(YEAR)]+25))
plot(YEAR + 0.5, Obs[Plot.Row, ], axes = FALSE, xlab = "Year", ylab = "log(mortality)",
     xlim = c(1961, 2040),
     ylim = c(min(Forecast.Dn.Pred[Plot.Row, ]), max(Obs[Plot.Row, ]) ))
axis(1,las = 1, at = seq(1950, 2040, by = 10), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-6,-2, by = 0.5), tcl = -0.4)
lines(Range + 0.5, Forecast[Plot.Row, ], lty = 1, lwd = 2)

par(new = TRUE)
Kappa.for <-  sarima.for(Kappa.hat, plot = FALSE, n.ahead = N.Ahead, p=3, d=1, q=1)
Central1 <-  Kappa.for$pred
Forecast1 <-  Alpha.hat + Beta.hat %*% t(Central1)
lines(Range + 0.5, Forecast1[Plot.Row, ], lty = 2)

par(new = TRUE)
Kappa.for <-  sarima.for(Kappa.hat, plot = FALSE, n.ahead = N.Ahead, p=6, d=1, q=0)
Central2 <-  Kappa.for$pred
Forecast2 <-  Alpha.hat + Beta.hat %*% t(Central2)
lines(Range + 0.5, Forecast2[Plot.Row, ], lty = 3)

legend("bottomleft", legend = c("Observed", "p = 0, d = 1, q = 0", "p = 3, d = 1, q = 1", "p = 6, d = 1, q = 0"), lty = c(-1, 1, 2, 3), pch = c(1,-1,-1,-1), lwd = c(-1,2,1,1)) 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

2.3 情景生成和偏差分解

“偿二代”的存在要求人们生成一定的经济情景。刚才的模型中还存在 $\epsilon_y$,之前一直假设其为0。现在我们把随机误差项加进来,做100个样本轨道,生成情景:

# N.Sim
N.Ahead <- 25; Range <-  2014:2038; N.Sim <- 100
# 生成一堆随机数,代表\epsilon的实现值
Mat.Sim <-  matrix(rnorm(N.Sim * N.Ahead, Mu, sqrt(Sigma2)),nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
# 使用apply函数,把\epsilon加上去
Stoch <-  Kappa.hat[n.y] + apply(Mat.Sim, 1, cumsum)
# 绘制样本轨道
matplot(Range, Stoch, type = "l", col = 1)
axis(1, las = 1, at = seq(2010, 2040, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-70, -10, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9


N.Ahead <- 25
Forecast <- sarima.for(Kappa.hat, n.ahead = N.Ahead, plot = FALSE, p=0, d=1, q=0)
# 生成1000条样本轨道
N.Sim <- 1000
Mat.Sim <- matrix(rnorm(N.Sim * N.Ahead, Mu, sqrt(Sigma2)), nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
# 逐步加起来,得到样本轨道
Stoc <- Kappa.hat[n.y] + apply(Mat.Sim, 1, cumsum)
# 找到每个时间点上的2.5%、50%和97.5%分位点
Quantile <- function(x) quantile(x, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
Sim.Q <- apply(Stoc, 1, Quantile)
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 1, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
plot(Range, Sim.Q[2, ], type = "l", lwd = 2, axes = FALSE,
     xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(kappa), ylim = range(Sim.Q, Sim.Q))
axis(1, las = 1, at = seq(2010, 2040, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-70, -10, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
lines(Range, Sim.Q[1, ], lwd = 2)
lines(Range, Sim.Q[3, ], lwd = 2)

# 理论标准误
Central <- Forecast$pred
SE.Stoch <- Forecast$se
PI.Up <- Central + 1.96*SE.Stoch
PI.Dn <- Central - 1.96*SE.Stoch
lines(Range, Central, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
lines(Range, PI.Up, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
lines(Range, PI.Dn, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("95% PI: theoretical", "95% PI: simulated"),
       lty = c(2,1), lwd = 2, bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

整体来看,各个分类点的距离也比较相近。但是需要注意,上面的图形只考虑到了stochastic error(随机误差项带来的后续波动),没有考虑到parameter error(估计量 $\hat{\mu}$本身的方差)。

N.Sim <-  50
Mat.Sim <-  matrix(rep(rnorm(N.Sim, Mu, sqrt(Sigma2)/sqrt(n.y-1)), N.Ahead),
  nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
Param <-  Kappa.hat[n.y] + apply(Mat.Sim, 1, cumsum)
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 1, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
matplot(Range, Param, type = "l", col = 1, xlab = "Year",
        ylab = expression(kappa), axes = FALSE)
axis(1, las = 1, at = seq(2010, 2040, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-70, -10, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

N.Sim <-  5000
Mat.Sim <-  matrix(rep(rnorm(N.Sim, Mu, sqrt(Sigma2)/sqrt(n.y-1)), N.Ahead),
  nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
Param <-  Kappa.hat[n.y] + apply(Mat.Sim, 1, cumsum)
Sim.Q.Param <- apply(Param, 1, Quantile)
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 1, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
plot(Range, Sim.Q.Param[2, ], type = "l", lwd = 2, axes = FALSE,
     xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(kappa),
     ylim = range(Sim.Q.Param, Sim.Q.Param))
axis(1, las = 1, at = seq(2010, 2040, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-70, -10, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
lines(Range, Sim.Q.Param[1, ], lwd = 2)
lines(Range, Sim.Q.Param[3, ], lwd = 2)
lines(Range, Central, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
SE <-  (1:N.Ahead) * sqrt(Sarima.out$fit$sigma2/(n.y-1))
CI.Up <-  Central + 1.96*SE
CI.Dn <-  Central - 1.96*SE
lines(Range, CI.Up, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
lines(Range, CI.Dn, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("95% CI: theoretical", "95% CI: simulated"),
       lty = c(2,1), lwd = 2, bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

总之,对于任意的 $\hat{\kappa}_{n_y+m}$,我们有: $$ \begin{aligned} \operatorname{Var}\left(\hat{\kappa}_{n_y+m}\right) & =\operatorname{Var}\left(m \hat{\mu}+\sum_{j=1}^m \epsilon_{n_y+j}\right) \\ & =m^2 \operatorname{Var}(\hat{\mu})+\operatorname{Var}\left(\sum_{j=1}^m \epsilon_{n_y+j}\right) \\ & =m^2 \frac{\sigma^2}{n_y-1}+m \sigma^2 \end{aligned} $$ 两种error加在一起,才是最终的标准误。

N.Sim = 100
#    We simulate the stochastic error with mean zero
#    and then add the simulated values of mu
Mat.Sim.1 = matrix(rnorm(N.Sim * N.Ahead, 0, sqrt(Sigma2)),
  nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
Mat.Sim.2 = matrix(rep(rnorm(N.Sim, Mu, sqrt(Sigma2)/sqrt(n.y-1)), N.Ahead),
  nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
Mat.Sim = Mat.Sim.1 + Mat.Sim.2
Both = Kappa.hat[n.y] + apply(Mat.Sim, 1, cumsum)
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 1, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
matplot(Range, Both, type = "l", col = 1, xlab = "Year",
        ylab = expression(kappa), axes = FALSE)
axis(1, las = 1, at = seq(2010, 2040, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-70, -10, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

N.Sim = 1000
Mat.Sim.1 = matrix(rnorm(N.Sim * N.Ahead, 0, sqrt(Sigma2)),
  nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
Mat.Sim.2 = matrix(rep(rnorm(N.Sim, Mu, sqrt(Sigma2)/sqrt(n.y-1)), N.Ahead),
  nrow = N.Sim, ncol = N.Ahead)
Mat.Sim = Mat.Sim.1 + Mat.Sim.2
Both = Kappa.hat[n.y] + apply(Mat.Sim, 1, cumsum)
Sim.Q.Both = apply(Both, 1, Quantile)
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 1, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
plot(Range, Sim.Q.Both[2, ], type = "l", lwd = 2, axes = FALSE,
     xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(kappa),
     ylim = range(Sim.Q.Both, Sim.Q.Both))
axis(1, las = 1, at = seq(2010, 2040, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-70, -10, by = 5), tcl = -0.4)
lines(Range, Sim.Q.Both[1, ], lwd = 2)
lines(Range, Sim.Q.Both[3, ], lwd = 2)
lines(Range, Central, lwd = 2, lty = 2)
VAR1 = (1:N.Ahead) * Sigma2
VAR2  = (1:N.Ahead)^2/(n.y-1) * Sigma2
SE.Both = sqrt(VAR1 + VAR2)
PI.CI.Up = Central + 1.96*SE.Both
PI.CI.Dn = Central - 1.96*SE.Both
lines(Range, PI.CI.Up, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
lines(Range, PI.CI.Dn, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("95%: theoretical", "95%: simulated"),
       lty = c(2,1), lwd = 2, bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

3. 使用Pspline预测未来死亡率(一维预测)


# 直接从数据中拿到US1961-2009年70岁女性的死亡数和暴露数
Death.Data <- Read.HMD("C:\\Users\\lenovo\\Desktop\\lt\\HMD_USA_Deaths.txt")
Exposure.Data <- Read.HMD("C:\\Users\\lenovo\\Desktop\\lt\\HMD_USA_Exposures.txt")
Age <- Death.Data$Age
Year <- Death.Data$Year
# 拿到1961-2009年的70岁女性数据
YEAR <- 1961:2009 
Dth <- Death.Data$Female.Matrix[Age == 70, (Year > 1960) & (Year < 2010)]
Exp <- Exposure.Data$Female.Matrix[Age == 70, (Year > 1960) &
  (Year < 2010)]
Obs <- log(Dth/Exp)


  • 把年份加以扩充,要预测多少年就加多少年上去,生成变量YEAR.NEW
  • Mort1Dsmooth函数中设置权重,预测年的权重为0,历史年的权重为1,表明仅用历史拟合;
  • 预测年的死亡数设置为1(其实可以设置为任何数);
  • 预测年的暴露数设置为2(和死亡数一样,可以设置为任何数);
  • 使用过度分散。
# 预测年的权重为0,历史年的权重为1
Weight <- c(rep(1, length(YEAR)), rep(0,25))
# 年份扩充
YEAR.NEW <- YEAR[1]:(YEAR[length(YEAR)] + 25)
# 预测年的死亡数设置为1
Dth.NEW <- c(Dth, rep(1, 25))
# 预测年的暴露数设置为2
Exp.NEW <- c(Exp, rep(2, 25))
# 过度分散
Smooth.Forecast <- Mort1Dsmooth(x = YEAR.NEW, y = Dth.NEW, offset = log(Exp.NEW),
  w = Weight, over = TRUE)
## Warning: Interpolation and/or extrapolation is taking place


Range <- max(YEAR.NEW) - min(YEAR.NEW)
# 问题出在floor(length(x)/5)这里,将整体补上range/5做一个近似
Xmax <- max(YEAR.NEW) + 0.01 * Range   #  Technical: look at Mort1Dsmooth code
Xmin <- min(YEAR.NEW) - 0.01 * Range
ndx <- Smooth.Forecast$ndx
Delta <- (Xmax - Xmin)/ndx
Knots <- seq(Xmin, Xmax, by = Delta)
Coef <- Smooth.Forecast$coef
# 验证线性外推,做一阶差分
cbind(c(0,Knots,0), Coef, c(0, diff(Coef)))
##                     Coef            
##  [1,]    0.000 -3.496457  0.00000000
##  [2,] 1960.270 -3.528606 -0.03214908
##  [3,] 1965.589 -3.569153 -0.04054709
##  [4,] 1970.907 -3.603589 -0.03443595
##  [5,] 1976.226 -3.728126 -0.12453715
##  [6,] 1981.544 -3.827552 -0.09942625
##  [7,] 1986.863 -3.850877 -0.02332484
##  [8,] 1992.181 -3.898453 -0.04757661
##  [9,] 1997.500 -3.921005 -0.02255162
## [10,] 2002.819 -3.973485 -0.05247998
## [11,] 2008.137 -4.102135 -0.12864956
## [12,] 2013.456 -4.235561 -0.13342600
## [13,] 2018.774 -4.368989 -0.13342846
## [14,] 2024.093 -4.502418 -0.13342846
## [15,] 2029.411 -4.635846 -0.13342846
## [16,] 2034.730 -4.769274 -0.13342846
## [17,]    0.000 -4.902703 -0.13342846
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 0, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
plot(YEAR, Obs, xlab = "Year", xlim = c(1960, 2035), ylim = c(-4.8, -3.5),
     ylab = "log(mortality)", axes = FALSE)
axis(1,las = 1, at = seq(1950, 2040, by = 10), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-5.2,-3.5, by = 0.1), tcl = -0.4)
lines(YEAR.NEW, Smooth.Forecast$logm, lwd = 2)
points(Knots, Coef[2:(length(Coef)-1)], pch = 15)
legend(1960, -4.2, legend = c("Observed mortality", "P-spline regression",
                            "P-spline coefficients"),
       lty = c(-1, 1, -1), lwd = c(-1, 2, -1),
       pch = c(1, -1, 15), bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

下面,我们简单说一下为什么这样做会自然地做线性外推。首先,优化的目标函数是: $$ \ell_p(\boldsymbol{\theta})=\ell(\boldsymbol{\theta})-\frac{1}{2} \lambda P(\boldsymbol{\theta}) $$ 我们让预测年的权重为0,所以预测年的加入不会影响似然函数 $\ell(\boldsymbol{\theta})$。现在我们假设已经得到了拟合年的系数预测 $\boldsymbol{\theta} = (\theta_1, \cdots,\theta_c)^{\prime}$,现在看加入第一个预测年的系数是多少时,能够让惩罚项 $P(\boldsymbol{\theta})$继续保持最小。一般来说,为了保障光滑程度,惩罚项与系数的二次差分正相关。这时,只要让二次差分最小(也即是为0),即可保证惩罚项的最小。

$$ \left(\hat{\theta}_{c-1}-2 \hat{\theta}_c+\theta_{c+1}\right)^2=0 \\ \theta_{c+1} = 2 \hat{\theta}_c - \hat{\theta}_{c-1} $$


Smooth.Fit <- Mort1Dsmooth(x = YEAR, y = Dth, offset = log(Exp), over = TRUE)
# 进行预测
# 惩罚项基于二阶差分(default)
Smooth.Forecast <- predict(Smooth.Fit, newdata = YEAR.NEW, = TRUE)
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 0, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
plot(YEAR, Obs, xlab = "Year", xlim = c(1960, 2035), ylim = c(-4.9, -3.4),
     ylab = "log(mortality)", axes = FALSE)
axis(1,las = 1, at = seq(1950, 2040, by = 10), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-5.0,-3.4, by = 0.2), tcl = -0.4)
lines(YEAR.NEW, Smooth.Forecast$fit, lwd = 2)
lines(YEAR.NEW, Smooth.Forecast$fit + 1.96 * Smooth.Forecast$,
      lty = 2, lwd = 2)
lines(YEAR.NEW, Smooth.Forecast$fit - 1.96 * Smooth.Forecast$,
      lty = 2, lwd = 2)
legend(1960, -4.2, legend = c("Observed mortality", "Fit and forecast",
                            "95% CI"),
       lty = c(-1, 1, 2), lwd = c(-1, 2, 2),
       pch = c(1, -1, -1), bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16


# 进行预测
# 惩罚项基于一阶差分(default)
Smooth.Fit1 <-  Mort1Dsmooth(x = YEAR, y = Dth, offset = log(Exp),pord = 1,over = TRUE)
Smooth.Forecast1 <-  predict(Smooth.Fit1, newdata = YEAR.NEW, pord = 1, = TRUE)
par(mar=c(4.2, 4, 0, 0.5), mgp=c(3, 1, 0), las=1, cex=1)
plot(YEAR, Obs, xlab = "Year", xlim = c(1960, 2035), ylim = c(-4.9, -3.4),
     ylab = "log(mortality)", axes = FALSE)
axis(1,las = 1, at = seq(1950, 2040, by = 10), tcl = -0.4)
axis(2, seq(-5.0,-3.4, by = 0.2), tcl = -0.4)
lines(YEAR.NEW, Smooth.Forecast1$fit, lty = 1)
# 惩罚项基于二阶差分
Smooth.Fit2 <-  Mort1Dsmooth(x = YEAR, y = Dth, offset = log(Exp),pord = 2,over = TRUE)
Smooth.Forecast2 <-  predict(Smooth.Fit2, newdata = YEAR.NEW, = TRUE)
lines(YEAR.NEW, Smooth.Forecast2$fit, lty = 2)
# 惩罚项基于三阶差分
Smooth.Fit3 <-  Mort1Dsmooth(x = YEAR, y = Dth, offset = log(Exp),pord = 3,over = TRUE)
Smooth.Forecast3 <-  predict(Smooth.Fit3, newdata = YEAR.NEW, pord = 3, = TRUE)
lines(YEAR.NEW, Smooth.Forecast3$fit, lty = 3)

legend("bottomleft", legend = c("order of penalty = 1", "order of penalty = 2",
                            "order of penalty = 3"),
       lty = c(1, 2, 3), bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17


4. CBD模型预测

令 $\kappa_y=\left(\kappa_y^{(1)}, \kappa_y^{(2)}\right)^{\prime}$,则可以假设两个 $\kappa$满足二维的带漂移项随机游走: $$ \boldsymbol{\kappa}_y=\boldsymbol{\mu}+\boldsymbol{\kappa}_{y-1}+\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_y, y=2, \ldots, n_y $$ 差分一次就能得到估计,只不过是用矩阵表示了而已。中间的很多表示都能使用Cronecker积直接进行表示,这里就不赘述了。


Death.Data <-  Read.HMD("C:\\Users\\lenovo\\Desktop\\lt\\leecarter\\Lee-Carter Application\\HMD_UK_Deaths_2013.txt")
Exposure.Data <-  Read.HMD("C:\\Users\\lenovo\\Desktop\\lt\\leecarter\\Lee-Carter Application\\HMD_UK_Exposures_2013.txt")
# 年龄和年份,一个是所有年龄,一个是目标年龄
Age <-  Death.Data$Age
Year <-  Death.Data$Year
AGE <-  50:90
YEAR <-  1961:2013
# 1961-2013年,英国50-90岁男性
Dth <-  Death.Data$Male.Matrix[(49 < Age) & (Age < 91),
(1960 < Year) & (Year < 2014)]
Exp <-  Exposure.Data$Male.Matrix[(49 < Age) & (Age < 91),
(1960 < Year) & (Year < 2014)]
# Obs是中心死亡率取对数
Obs <-  log(Dth/Exp)
# 取得死亡率矩阵的维度
n.x <-  nrow(Dth)
n.y <-  ncol(Dth)

接着做一个Poission glm:

#    Convert data to vector form
Dth.V <- c(Dth); 
Exp.V  <-  c(Exp)
#    Obtain model matrix for CBD model
X1 <- kronecker(diag(n.y), rep(1, n.x))
Age.mean <- AGE - mean(AGE)
X2 <- kronecker(diag(n.y), Age.mean)
X <- cbind(X1, X2)
#    Fit model
CBD.Male <- glm(Dth.V ~ -1 + X, offset = log(Exp.V), family = poisson)
Coef <- CBD.Male$coef
Kappa.1 <- Coef[1:n.y]     #  First n.y values
Kappa.2 <- Coef[-(1:n.y)]  #  Drop first n.y values
CBD.Male$dev    # Deviance
## [1] 39251.92
#    Fitted log(mortality) from (a) fitted deaths (b) X kappa
Fitted.M.hat <- matrix(log(CBD.Male$fit/Exp.V), n.x, n.y)
Fitted.M.Hat <- matrix(X %*% CBD.Male$coef, n.x, n.y)
max(abs(Fitted.M.hat - Fitted.M.Hat))   #  Equal of course
## [1] 1.776357e-15


# 二阶差分后均值可以求出\hat{\mu}
Diff = cbind(diff(Kappa.1), diff(Kappa.2))
Mu = apply(Diff, 2, mean)
# 也可以按照书上公式进行计算
Mu.2 = c(Kappa.1[n.y] - Kappa.1[1], Kappa.2[n.y] - Kappa.2[1])/(n.y-1)
max(abs(Mu - Mu.2))
## [1] 0
# 使用样本协方差矩阵求得\hat{\sigma}
S2 = apply(Diff, 2, var)
Cov = cov(Diff[ ,1], Diff[ ,2])
Sigma = matrix(c(S2[1], Cov, Cov, S2[2]), 2, 2)
Rho = Cov/sqrt(Sigma[1,1]*Sigma[2,2])
# 也可以直接套公式
Sigma.2 = matrix(0, 2, 2)
Sigma.2[1, 1] = sum((diff(Kappa.1) - Mu[1])^2)/(n.y - 2)
Sigma.2[2, 1] = sum((diff(Kappa.1) - Mu[1])*(diff(Kappa.2) -
         Mu[2]))/(n.y - 2)
Sigma.2[1, 2] = Sigma.2[2, 1]
Sigma.2[2, 2] = sum((diff(Kappa.2) - Mu[2])^2)/(n.y - 2)
max(abs(Sigma - Sigma.2))
## [1] 1.084202e-19


#     Forecasting - follows text closely
n.f = 25
I.f = diag(n.f)
X1.f = kronecker(I.f, rep(1, n.x))
X2.f = kronecker(I.f, Age.mean)
X.f = cbind(X1.f, X2.f)
c.f = 1:n.f
Kappa.f = c(Kappa.1[n.y], Kappa.2[n.y]) + Mu %*% t(c.f)
Kappa.f = c(t(Kappa.f))
Forecast = X.f %*% Kappa.f
dim(Forecast) = c(n.x, n.f)
Var.Mat.Forecast = 1/(n.y -1) * X.f %*% kronecker(Sigma, c.f %*% t(c.f)) %*% t(X.f)
Var.Forecast = diag(Var.Mat.Forecast)
dim(Var.Forecast) = c(n.x, n.f)
SD.Forecast = sqrt(Var.Forecast)
SD.Forecast.CBD = SD.Forecast
# \kappa_1预测
Forecast.Years = (YEAR[n.y]+1):(YEAR[n.y]+n.f)
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4.5,4.5,1,1))
plot(YEAR, Kappa.1, xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(kappa[1]),
     xlim = range(YEAR, Forecast.Years), ylim = range(Kappa.1,Kappa.f[1:n.f]),
     cex = 1)
lines(Forecast.Years, Kappa.f[1:n.f], pch = 16, cex = 1)
# \kappa_2预测
plot(YEAR, Kappa.2, xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(kappa[2]),
     xlim = range(YEAR, Forecast.Years), ylim = range(Kappa.2,Kappa.f[-(1:n.f)]),
     cex = 1)
lines(Forecast.Years, Kappa.f[-(1:n.f)], pch = 16, cex = 1)
# 选60和80岁分别看死亡率的预测
Plot.Age = c(60, 80)
for(i in 1:2){
  Plot.Row = Plot.Age[i] - min(AGE) + 1
  plot(YEAR + 0.5, Obs[Plot.Row, ], xlim = c(YEAR[1], YEAR[n.y] + n.f),
       ylim = range(Obs[Plot.Row, ], Forecast[Plot.Row, ]),
       xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(paste("log(",mu,")")))
  SD = SD.Forecast[Plot.Row, ]
  lines(Forecast.Years + 0.5, Forecast[Plot.Row, ])
  lines(Forecast.Years + 0.5, Forecast[Plot.Row, ] + 1.96 * SD)
  lines(Forecast.Years + 0.5, Forecast[Plot.Row, ] - 1.96 * SD)
  legend("bottomleft", legend = paste("Age =", Plot.Age[i]), bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

5. 2D Pspline预测

#      Forecasting
Fit.2d = Mort2Dsmooth(AGE, YEAR, Dth, offset=log(Exp), over = TRUE)
c(Fit.2d$lambda, Fit.2d$df, Fit.2d$dev, Fit.2d$psi2)
## [1]  1000.00000   316.22777    44.94686 10311.56693     4.84554
YEAR.NEW = 1961:2038
NEW.DATA = list(x = AGE, y = YEAR.NEW)
Forecast.2d = predict(Fit.2d, newdata = NEW.DATA)
Central = Forecast.2d
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4.5,4.5,1,1))
Age.Plot = c(60,75,90)  # Set plotting age
for(i in 1:3){
  Row = Age.Plot[i] - min(AGE) + 1
  plot(YEAR+0.5, Obs[Row, ], xlim = range(YEAR.NEW),
                         ylim = range(Obs[Row,], Central[Row,]), xlab = "Year",
       ylab = expression(paste("log(",mu,")")), cex = 0.5, pch = 16)
  lines(YEAR.NEW + 0.5, Central[Row, ])
  legend("bottomleft", paste("Age =", Age.Plot[i]), bty = "n")
plot(AGE+0.5, Forecast.2d[ , 53], type = "l", xlab = "Age",
     ylab = expression(paste("log(",mu,")")),
     ylim = range(Forecast.2d[ , 53],  Forecast.2d[ , 78]), lwd = 2)
lines(AGE+0.5, Forecast.2d[ , 78], lty = 2, lwd = 2)
legend("topleft", legend = c("Year = 2013", "Year = 2038"), lty = c(1,2), lwd = 2,
       bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22

# Now force lambdas
Fit.2d = Mort2Dsmooth(AGE, YEAR, Dth, offset=log(Exp),
  method = 3, lambdas = c(2000, 4000))
## Warning in !lambdas.check && lambdas < 0: 'length(x) = 2 > 1' in coercion to
## 'logical(1)'
c(Fit.2d$lambda, Fit.2d$df, Fit.2d$dev,Fit.2d$psi2)
## [1]  2000.000000  4000.000000    44.710172 10404.096261     4.888477
YEAR.NEW = 1961:2038
NEW.DATA = list(x = AGE, y = YEAR.NEW)
Forecast.2d = predict(Fit.2d, newdata = NEW.DATA, = TRUE)
Forecast.Pspline = Forecast.2d$fit
Central = Forecast.2d$fit; SE = sqrt(Fit.2d$psi2) * Forecast.2d$
CI.UP = Central + 1.96 * SE; CI.DN = Central - 1.96 * SE
#    Graphical output
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4.5,4.5,1,1))
Age.Plot = c(60,75,90)  # Set plotting age
for(i in 1:3){
  Row = Age.Plot[i] - min(AGE) + 1
  plot(YEAR, Obs[Row, ], xlim = range(YEAR.NEW),
                         ylim = range(Obs[Row,], CI.DN[Row,]), xlab = "Year",
       ylab = expression(paste("log(",mu,")")), cex = 0.5, pch = 16)
  lines(YEAR.NEW, Central[Row, ])
  lines(YEAR.NEW, CI.UP[Row, ], lty = 2)
  lines(YEAR.NEW, CI.DN[Row, ], lty = 2)
  legend("bottomleft", paste("Age =", Age.Plot[i]), bty = "n")
plot(AGE, Forecast.2d$fit[ , 53], type = "l", xlab = "Age",
     ylab = expression(paste("log(",mu,")")),
     ylim = range(Forecast.2d$fit[ , 53],  Forecast.2d$fit[ , 78]), lwd = 2)
lines(AGE, Forecast.2d$fit[ , 78], lty = 2, lwd = 2)
legend("topleft", legend = c("Year = 2013", "Year = 2038"), lty = c(1,2), lwd = 2,
       bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

Lianzeng Zhang
Lianzeng Zhang
Professor in Actuarial Science